State of the Art Dental Technology

Medit Same Day Crowns in

Medit Same Day Crowns

We utilize state of the art technology called Medit for Same-Day Crowns. Medit consists of a digital scanner which captures 180 million pixels per second and a fast, efficient milling unit which can produce a single crown in 18 minutes. Scanner enables us to capture your tooth structure digitally which means no more waxy impressions.

Snoreguard Sleep Apnea in

Snoreguard Sleep Apnea Device

Clear Correct Clear Ortho Aligners in

Clear Correct Clear Ortho Aligners

ClearCorrect is a series of clear removable aligners that are used to gradually change the positioning of the teeth for a more aligned and uniform appearance. By applying a slight bit of pressure on the teeth over time, the teeth move into place and become ready for their next set of aligner trays.

Intra-Oral Camera in

Intra-Oral Scanner

The Intra-Oral scanner allows us to take impressions without the messy impression material that may cause nausea or gagging. It can help us diagnose misaligned teeth and get treatments started much faster. Our scanner can also help us plan and build beautiful smiles to meet your treatment goals.

Digital X-Rays in

Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays use a digital image capture device in place of traditional film, sending an image immediately to a computer. The result is a highly-detailed image of the mouth, and its contrast and resolution can be enhanced to more easily diagnose dental problems and determine the best treatment with less radiation.

Laser Dentistry in

Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry has become increasingly popular because it offers many benefits for both dentists and patients. It's an innovative technique used in dental care to provide patients with more precise, minimally invasive, and more effective treatments for cavities, gum surgery, orthodontics, and other oral issues.

Doche Family Dental Special Offer

$99 New Patient Special (for New patients only)

For new patients without dental insurance, we offer a $99 new patient special! Included is a complete dental cleaning*, a full examination of your mouth, and any necessary X-rays! Call for more details! (*does not include gum disease treatment)

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Doche Family Dental Special Offer

Savings Membership

We genuinely want our patients to receive the absolute best dental care, at the lowest possible price!

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